
Template class for managing encrypted pointers. More...

Public Functions

constexprencrypted_pointer () noexcept
constexprencrypted_pointer (T *_Ptr) noexcept
encrypted_pointer &operator= (encrypted_pointer &&_Right) noexcept
encrypted_pointer< T > &operator= (T *other)
encrypted_pointer (const encrypted_pointer &other)=delete
encrypted_pointer &operator= (const encrypted_pointer &other)=delete
~encrypted_pointer ()
T *get () const noexcept
T &operator* ()
T &operator* () const
T *operator-> () const
T *operator-> ()
booloperator== (const std::nullptr_t &rhs) const
booloperator== (const std::nullptr_t &rhs)
operator bool () const

Private Functions

ANTISPY_ENCRYPTED_VALUE (intptr_t, value_, 0)


std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &os, encrypted_pointer< T > &obj)

Detailed Description

The encrypted_pointer class template provides a secure mechanism for storing and managing pointers in an encrypted form. This class is particularly useful in scenarios where protecting pointers from unauthorized access, reverse engineering, or tampering is critical. The pointer's value is encrypted internally, ensuring that even if memory is inspected, the actual pointer value is not easily retrievable.

Template Parameters

  • T: The type of the object that the pointer points to.


  • Pointer Encryption: The pointer value is encrypted before storage, enhancing security.

  • Automatic Memory Management: The class automatically manages the memory associated with the pointer, ensuring proper cleanup.

  • Safe Dereferencing: The class provides operators for safe dereferencing and member access.

  • Move Semantics: The class supports move operations, allowing efficient transfer of ownership.

  • Nullability Checks: Provides convenient operators to check if the pointer is null.

  • Stream Output: Allows the encrypted pointer's value to be output to a stream for debugging or logging purposes.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   encrypted_pointer<int> ptr(new int(42));
   if (ptr) {
      std::cout << "Encrypted pointer value: " << *ptr << std::endl;

This example demonstrates the creation of an encrypted_pointer to an integer, with safe dereferencing and output.

Public Functions

constexpr encrypted_pointer () noexcept

Default constructor for the encrypted_pointer class.


constexpr libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::encrypted_pointer

Detailed Description

This constructor initializes an encrypted_pointer object with a nullptr value, ensuring that the pointer is safely stored in an encrypted form. This constructor is constexpr, allowing for compile-time initialization, and noexcept, guaranteeing that it does not throw exceptions.

Detailed Behavior:

  • Initialization :

    • The value_ member is initialized with the nullptr value, which is safely stored after being cast to an intptr_t and then encrypted.

    • reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(nullptr) is used to convert the nullptr to an integer type that can be stored in value_ .

  • constexpr :

    • The constexpr specifier allows this constructor to be used in constant expressions, enabling compile-time initialization of encrypted_pointer objects.
  • noexcept :

    • The constructor is marked as noexcept , ensuring that it does not throw any exceptions, making it safe for use in exception-sensitive contexts or performance-critical code.

Usage Example:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> ptr;
   // ptr is now an encrypted_pointer initialized with nullptr.

This constructor is useful when you want to create an encrypted_pointer object that starts off pointing to nothing, but can later be assigned a valid pointer.

constexpr encrypted_pointer (T *_Ptr) noexcept

Constructs an encrypted_pointer object from a raw pointer.


constexpr libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::encrypted_pointer

Detailed Description

This constructor initializes an encrypted_pointer object with a specified raw pointer. The provided pointer is encrypted and stored securely within the object. This constructor is constexpr , allowing for compile-time initialization, and noexcept , ensuring it does not throw exceptions.


  • _Ptr: The raw pointer to be encrypted and securely stored. This pointer is of type T* , where T is the template parameter representing the type of the object pointed to.

Detailed Behavior:

  • Initialization :

    • The value_ member is initialized by first converting the provided raw pointer _Ptr to an intptr_t using reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(_Ptr) . This conversion allows the pointer to be stored in a format suitable for encryption and secure storage.

    • The raw pointer _Ptr is then encrypted and stored in value_ , making the stored pointer resistant to direct memory inspection or tampering.

  • explicit :

    • The explicit specifier prevents implicit conversions from raw pointers to encrypted_pointer objects, ensuring that such conversions must be intentional and explicit in the code. This helps avoid potential bugs or unintended behavior caused by implicit conversions.
  • constexpr :

    • The constexpr specifier allows this constructor to be used in constant expressions, enabling compile-time initialization of encrypted_pointer objects when the provided pointer is also available at compile time.
  • noexcept :

    • The constructor is marked as noexcept , ensuring that it does not throw any exceptions. This makes it safe to use in exception-sensitive contexts or performance-critical code where exception safety is required.

Usage Example:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   int* rawPtr = new int(42);
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> encryptedPtr(rawPtr);
   // encryptedPtr now securely stores the encrypted version of rawPtr.

This constructor is particularly useful when you need to securely store a raw pointer in an encrypted_pointer object, ensuring that the pointer is protected against unauthorized access or manipulation.

encrypted_pointer & operator= (encrypted_pointer &&_Right) noexcept

Move assignment operator for encrypted_pointer .


encrypted_pointer & libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::operator=

Detailed Description

This operator transfers ownership of the encrypted pointer from another encrypted_pointer object to this object. It deletes the current managed pointer, if any, and then takes ownership of the pointer from the right-hand side ( _Right ) object. The _Right object is left in a valid but unspecified state (typically set to nullptr ).


  • _Right: The encrypted_pointer object from which ownership is being transferred. After the assignment, _Right will no longer manage the pointer and will typically be set to nullptr .


A reference to this encrypted_pointer object, now managing the pointer that was previously managed by _Right .

Detailed Behavior:

  • Deleting the Current Pointer :

    • The operator begins by storing the current encrypted pointer value ( value_ ) in a local variable s .

    • The current pointer managed by this object is then deleted using delete reinterpret_cast<T*>(s); .

    • This ensures that any dynamically allocated memory managed by the original pointer is properly freed before the assignment.

  • Transferring Ownership :

    • The value from _Right.value_ is assigned to value_ , effectively transferring the ownership of the pointer to this object.

    • _Right.value_ is then set to nullptr (represented by reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(nullptr) ), ensuring that _Right no longer manages the pointer.

  • Return Value :

    • The operator returns a reference to the current object ( *this ), now managing the pointer that was originally managed by _Right .
  • noexcept :

    • The operator is marked as noexcept , ensuring that it does not throw exceptions. This is crucial for performance-sensitive code or when using encrypted_pointer in contexts where exception safety is required.

Usage Example:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> ptr1(new int(42));
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> ptr2;
   ptr2 = std::move(ptr1); // ptr2 now manages the pointer, ptr1 is set to nullptr.

This move assignment operator is particularly useful for managing the ownership of dynamically allocated pointers, ensuring that resources are correctly managed and that no double-deletions or memory leaks occur.

encrypted_pointer< T > & operator= (T *other)

Assignment operator for assigning a raw pointer to an encrypted_pointer object.


encrypted_pointer< T > & libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::operator=

Detailed Description

This operator allows an encrypted_pointer object to be assigned a raw pointer. The raw pointer is stored in an encrypted form within the encrypted_pointer object, replacing any previously stored pointer. This operator is useful when you want to directly assign a new raw pointer to the encrypted_pointer without having to create a temporary encrypted_pointer object.



A reference to this encrypted_pointer object after the assignment, now containing the encrypted form of the other pointer.

Detailed Behavior:

  • Storing the New Pointer :

    • The raw pointer other is converted to an integer type ( intptr_t ) using reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(other) .

    • This integer value is then assigned to the member variable value_ , which stores the encrypted form of the pointer.

    • Any previously stored pointer in value_ is overwritten, meaning that if the encrypted_pointer was managing a different pointer, that pointer is effectively replaced without being explicitly deleted.

  • Return Value :

    • The operator returns a reference to the current encrypted_pointer object ( *this ), now containing the encrypted representation of the new pointer.
  • Usage Considerations :

    • This operator does not manage the lifetime of the pointer being assigned. It only stores the pointer in an encrypted form.

    • If the encrypted_pointer previously managed a dynamically allocated object, and that object is no longer needed, it must be deleted before assigning a new pointer to avoid memory leaks.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   int* raw_ptr = new int(42);
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> enc_ptr;
   enc_ptr = raw_ptr; // enc_ptr now manages the raw pointer in encrypted form.

In this example, enc_ptr is assigned a raw pointer raw_ptr , which is stored in an encrypted form within the encrypted_pointer object.

encrypted_pointer (const encrypted_pointer &other)=delete

Deleted copy constructor for the encrypted_pointer class.


libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::encrypted_pointer

Detailed Description

This constructor is explicitly deleted to prevent copying of encrypted_pointer objects. The encrypted_pointer class is designed to manage pointers in an encrypted form, and allowing copying of these objects could lead to security risks such as multiple objects managing the same underlying pointer, potentially leading to double deletion or unintentional exposure of the pointer's value. To ensure safe and secure management of the pointers, copying is disabled.


Detailed Behavior:

  • Copy Prevention :

    • By deleting the copy constructor, the compiler will prevent any attempt to copy an encrypted_pointer object. This includes scenarios like passing an encrypted_pointer by value, returning it from a function, or explicitly trying to create a copy.

    • If a copy operation is attempted, the compiler will generate an error, ensuring that the codebase is safe from unintended copying of encrypted_pointer objects.

  • Security Considerations :

    • Allowing copying could lead to scenarios where multiple encrypted_pointer objects manage the same pointer, which could result in double deletion (if both objects try to delete the pointer) or inconsistent states between the objects.

    • By disabling copying, the integrity of the pointer management system is maintained, ensuring that only one encrypted_pointer object is responsible for the lifecycle of any given pointer.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> enc_ptr(new int(42));
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> copy_ptr = enc_ptr; // Compilation error: Copy constructor is deleted.

In this example, attempting to copy enc_ptr into copy_ptr would result in a compilation error, as the copy constructor is deleted.

encrypted_pointer & operator= (const encrypted_pointer &other)=delete

Deleted copy assignment operator for the encrypted_pointer class.


encrypted_pointer & libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::operator=

Detailed Description

This operator is explicitly deleted to prevent the assignment of one encrypted_pointer object to another. The encrypted_pointer class is designed to manage pointers in an encrypted form, and allowing assignment between these objects could lead to security risks, such as multiple objects managing the same underlying pointer, which could result in double deletion or inconsistent states. To maintain safe and secure management of the pointers, assignment is disabled.



This function does not return anything as the copy assignment operator is deleted.

Detailed Behavior:

  • Assignment Prevention :

    • By deleting the copy assignment operator, the compiler will prevent any attempt to assign one encrypted_pointer object to another. This includes scenarios where an assignment operation like a = b; is performed, where both a and b are encrypted_pointer objects.

    • If an assignment operation is attempted, the compiler will generate an error, ensuring that the codebase is safe from unintended assignment of encrypted_pointer objects.

  • Security Considerations :

    • Allowing assignment could lead to scenarios where two encrypted_pointer objects manage the same pointer, which could result in double deletion (if both objects try to delete the pointer) or inconsistent states between the objects.

    • By disabling assignment, the integrity of the pointer management system is maintained, ensuring that only one encrypted_pointer object is responsible for the lifecycle of any given pointer.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> enc_ptr1(new int(42));
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> enc_ptr2;
   enc_ptr2 = enc_ptr1; // Compilation error: Copy assignment operator is deleted.

In this example, attempting to assign enc_ptr1 to enc_ptr2 would result in a compilation error, as the copy assignment operator is deleted.

~encrypted_pointer ()

Destructor for the encrypted_pointer class.


libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::~encrypted_pointer

Detailed Description

This destructor is responsible for safely cleaning up the encrypted_pointer object when it is destroyed. It deletes the managed pointer (if it exists) and securely clears the stored encrypted pointer value to prevent any residual data from being left in memory.

Detailed Behavior:

  • Pointer Deletion :

    • The destructor first retrieves the stored encrypted pointer value by interpreting it as an intptr_t .

    • It then casts this value back to the original pointer type T* and deletes the object that the pointer refers to. This ensures that the dynamically allocated memory is properly deallocated when the encrypted_pointer object is destroyed.

  • Clearing the Stored Value :

    • After deleting the managed pointer, the destructor sets the stored pointer value ( value_ ) to 0LL .

    • This step is important for security, as it prevents any leftover pointer value from being accessible after the encrypted_pointer object has been destroyed. It helps mitigate potential security risks like use-after-free or memory leaks.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
      libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> enc_ptr(new int(42));
      // Use enc_ptr...
   } // enc_ptr goes out of scope, and the destructor is called, deleting the managed pointer.

In this example, when enc_ptr goes out of scope, the destructor is automatically called. The dynamically allocated integer is deleted, and the stored pointer value is cleared.

T * get () const noexcept

Retrieves the raw pointer stored in the encrypted_pointer .


T * libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::get

Detailed Description

The get method returns the decrypted raw pointer that is managed by the encrypted_pointer object. This allows access to the underlying pointer in its original form, enabling operations on the object it points to.


A pointer of type T* that points to the original object.


  • The stored value, value_ , is an encrypted representation of the pointer.

  • This method decrypts the pointer by reinterpreting the stored value as a pointer of type T* .

  • The method is marked as noexcept , indicating that it is guaranteed not to throw any exceptions during its execution.

  • The [[nodiscard]] attribute suggests that the return value should not be discarded, as the raw pointer is typically important for subsequent operations.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> enc_ptr(new int(42));
   int* raw_ptr = enc_ptr.get(); // Retrieves the raw pointer
   std::cout << *raw_ptr << std::endl; // Outputs: 42

In this example, the get method is used to obtain the raw pointer from the encrypted_pointer . The raw pointer is then used to access the integer value.

T & operator* ()

Dereferences the encrypted_pointer to access the object it points to.


T & libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::operator*

Detailed Description

The dereference operator ( * ) allows access to the object that the encrypted_pointer manages. It returns a reference to the object of type T that the pointer points to after decrypting it.


A reference to the object of type T that the encrypted_pointer points to.


  • The stored value_ is an encrypted representation of the pointer.

  • This method decrypts the pointer by reinterpreting value_ as a pointer of type T* .

  • The method then dereferences the decrypted pointer to return a reference to the underlying object.

  • The [[nodiscard]] attribute is used to indicate that the returned reference should not be ignored, as it provides direct access to the object being managed.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> enc_ptr(new int(42));
   int& value = *enc_ptr; // Dereferences the encrypted pointer
   std::cout << value << std::endl; // Outputs: 42

In this example, the operator* is used to dereference the encrypted_pointer , allowing direct access to the integer value stored in the heap.

T & operator* () const

Dereferences the constencrypted_pointer to access the object it points to.


T & libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::operator*

Detailed Description

This const version of the dereference operator ( * ) allows access to the object that the encrypted_pointer manages when the encrypted_pointer itself is constant. It returns a const reference to the object of type T that the pointer points to after decrypting it.


A const reference to the object of type T that the encrypted_pointer points to.


  • The stored value_ is an encrypted representation of the pointer.

  • This method decrypts the pointer by reinterpreting value_ as a pointer of type T* .

  • The method then dereferences the decrypted pointer to return a const reference to the underlying object, ensuring that the object cannot be modified through this reference.

  • The [[nodiscard]] attribute is used to indicate that the returned reference should not be ignored, as it provides direct access to the object being managed.

  • Being a const method, this operator guarantees that calling it does not modify the state of the encrypted_pointer .

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   const libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> enc_ptr(new int(42));
   const int& value = *enc_ptr; // Dereferences the encrypted pointer
   std::cout << value << std::endl; // Outputs: 42

In this example, the operator* is used to dereference the encrypted_pointer in a const context, allowing direct, read-only access to the integer value stored in the heap.

T * operator-> () const

Provides access to the members of the object pointed to by the const encrypted_pointer .


T * libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::operator->

Detailed Description

This const version of the member access operator ( -> ) allows access to the members of the object managed by the encrypted_pointer when the encrypted_pointer itself is constant. It returns a decrypted pointer of type T* to the managed object, enabling direct access to the object's members.


A pointer of type T* to the object managed by the encrypted_pointer .


  • The stored value_ is an encrypted representation of the pointer.

  • This method decrypts the pointer by reinterpreting value_ as a pointer of type T* .

  • The method returns this decrypted pointer, allowing direct access to the members of the object that encrypted_pointer points to, even in a const context.

  • The [[nodiscard]] attribute is used to indicate that the returned pointer should not be ignored, as it provides direct access to the object's members.

  • Being a const method, this operator guarantees that calling it does not modify the state of the encrypted_pointer .

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>
#include <iostream>

class MyClass {
   void myMethod() const {
      std::cout << "Method called\n";

int main() {
   const libantispy::encrypted_pointer<MyClass> enc_ptr(new MyClass());
   enc_ptr->myMethod(); // Calls the myMethod() of the MyClass object pointed to by enc_ptr

In this example, the operator-> is used to access a method of the MyClass object managed by the encrypted_pointer , demonstrating how to work with the object's members through the encrypted pointer in a const context.

T * operator-> ()

Provides access to the members of the object pointed to by the encrypted_pointer .


T * libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::operator->

Detailed Description

This member access operator ( -> ) allows access to the members of the object managed by the encrypted_pointer . It returns a decrypted pointer of type T* to the managed object, enabling direct access to the object's members.


A pointer of type T* to the object managed by the encrypted_pointer .


  • The stored value_ is an encrypted representation of the pointer.

  • This method decrypts the pointer by reinterpreting value_ as a pointer of type T* .

  • The method returns this decrypted pointer, allowing direct access to the members of the object that encrypted_pointer points to.

  • The [[nodiscard]] attribute is used to indicate that the returned pointer should not be ignored, as it provides direct access to the object's members.

  • Unlike the const version, this operator allows modification of the object's members.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>
#include <iostream>

class MyClass {
   void myMethod() {
      std::cout << "myMethod called\n";

int main() {
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<MyClass> enc_ptr(new MyClass());
   enc_ptr->myMethod(); // Calls the myMethod() of the MyClass object pointed to by enc_ptr

In this example, the operator-> is used to access a method of the MyClass object managed by the encrypted_pointer , demonstrating how to work with the object's members through the encrypted pointer.

bool operator== (const std::nullptr_t &rhs) const

Compares the encrypted_pointer with nullptr for equality.


bool libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::operator==

Detailed Description

This equality operator ( == ) checks whether the encrypted_pointer is equal to nullptr . It determines if the encrypted pointer currently holds a null pointer by comparing the encrypted value to 0LL , which represents a null pointer in this context.


  • rhs: The nullptr value to compare against.


true if the encrypted_pointer is equal to nullptr , false otherwise.


  • This method is used to check if the encrypted_pointer is empty or uninitialized, which is represented by it being equal to nullptr .

  • The stored value_ is decrypted and compared to 0LL (the encrypted representation of a null pointer).

  • The method returns true if the decrypted value equals 0LL , indicating that the encrypted_pointer does not point to any valid object.

  • The [[nodiscard]] attribute is used to ensure that the result of the comparison is not ignored, which is crucial when verifying whether the pointer is valid or not.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<MyClass> enc_ptr;
   if (enc_ptr == nullptr) {
      // Handle the case where enc_ptr is null

In this example, the operator== is used to check if encrypted_pointer is null, allowing the program to handle cases where the encrypted_pointer does not point to a valid object.

bool operator== (const std::nullptr_t &rhs)

Compares the encrypted_pointer with nullptr for equality.


bool libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::operator==

Detailed Description

This equality operator ( == ) checks whether the encrypted_pointer is equal to nullptr . It determines if the encrypted pointer currently holds a null pointer by comparing the encrypted value to 0LL , which represents a null pointer in this context.


  • rhs: The nullptr value to compare against.


true if the encrypted_pointer is equal to nullptr , false otherwise.


  • This method is used to check if the encrypted_pointer is empty or uninitialized, which is represented by it being equal to nullptr .

  • The stored value_ is decrypted and compared to 0LL (the encrypted representation of a null pointer).

  • The method returns true if the decrypted value equals 0LL , indicating that the encrypted_pointer does not point to any valid object.

  • The [[nodiscard]] attribute is used to ensure that the result of the comparison is not ignored, which is crucial when verifying whether the pointer is valid or not.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<MyClass> enc_ptr;
   if (enc_ptr == nullptr) {
      // Handle the case where enc_ptr is null

In this example, the operator== is used to check if enc_ptr is null, allowing the program to handle cases where the encrypted_pointer does not point to a valid object.

operator bool () const

Checks if the encrypted_pointer is not nullptr .


libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::operator bool

Detailed Description

This conversion operator allows an encrypted_pointer object to be implicitly converted to a bool . The conversion checks whether the encrypted_pointer is not equal to nullptr . If the encrypted_pointer holds a valid pointer, the conversion returns true ; otherwise, it returns false .


true if the encrypted_pointer is not nullptr , false if it is nullptr .


  • This operator facilitates the use of encrypted_pointer objects in conditional statements where a check for nullptr is required.

  • It internally compares the encrypted_pointer to nullptr using the operator== method.

  • The result of this comparison is inverted ( this == nullptr ) to return true if the pointer is non-null and false if it is null.

  • This implicit conversion enhances the usability of encrypted_pointer , allowing it to be seamlessly used in logical expressions and control flow constructs.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

int main() {
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<MyClass> enc_ptr;
   if (enc_ptr) {
      // enc_ptr is not null, safe to use
   } else {
      // enc_ptr is null, handle accordingly

In this example, the operator bool() is used to check if enc_ptr points to a valid object. The if statement relies on this conversion to determine whether the pointer is nullptr .

Private Functions

ANTISPY_ENCRYPTED_VALUE (intptr_t, value_, 0)

Defines an encrypted member variable within the encrypted_pointer class.


libantispy::encrypted_pointer< T >::ANTISPY_ENCRYPTED_VALUE

Detailed Description

The ANTISPY_ENCRYPTED_VALUE macro is used to declare a member variable that is stored in an encrypted form. This macro typically expands to code that manages the encryption and decryption of the variable's value, ensuring that it is protected against unauthorized access or tampering.


  • Encryption : The value_ member variable is not stored in plain form; instead, it is encrypted using a mechanism defined by the ANTISPY_ENCRYPTED_VALUE macro. This encryption is intended to protect the data from being easily accessed or modified by malicious actors.

  • Decryption : When the value_ needs to be accessed or modified, it is decrypted transparently, ensuring that the rest of the code interacts with it as if it were a regular intptr_t variable.

  • Security : The encryption applied to value_ helps prevent reverse engineering, memory dumps, or other forms of unauthorized access from revealing or altering the actual pointer value stored in the encrypted_pointer class.


#include <antispy/libantispy.h>

class encrypted_pointer {
    ANTISPY_ENCRYPTED_VALUE(intptr_t, value_, 0);

In this example, the value_ member variable of type intptr_t is declared with encryption. The actual data stored in value_ is encrypted and only decrypted when accessed through the appropriate methods, adding a layer of security to pointer management.


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, encrypted_pointer< T > &obj)

Overloads the stream insertion operator ( << ) for encrypted_pointer .


std::ostream & operator<<

Detailed Description

This function allows an encrypted_pointer object to be output to an std::ostream . The managed pointer is dereferenced and its value is inserted into the stream. This enables easy printing of the value pointed to by the encrypted_pointer to standard output streams such as std::cout .


  • os: The output stream to which the value of the encrypted_pointer will be inserted.

  • obj: The encrypted_pointer object whose pointed-to value will be printed to the stream.


A reference to the std::ostream , allowing for chaining of stream operations.


  • The function dereferences the pointer managed by the encrypted_pointer object using *reinterpret_cast<T*>(obj.value_) and inserts the resulting value into the stream.

  • The encrypted_pointer class template is designed to store pointers in an encrypted form, but this function decrypts and dereferences the pointer to obtain the value for output.

  • This operator is marked as a friend of the encrypted_pointer class, which allows it to access the private members of the class directly, specifically the value_ member.

Example Usage:

#include <antispy/libantispy.h>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
   libantispy::encrypted_pointer<int> enc_ptr(new int(42));
   std::cout << enc_ptr << std::endl; // Outputs: 42

In this example, the operator<< allows the value pointed to by enc_ptr to be printed to std::cout . The stream insertion operator is called with enc_ptr as the second argument, and the dereferenced value is inserted into the stream.