
Defines the as_xor class template for secure XOR operations with structural randomization in the antispy SDK project. More...

Detailed Description

This file is part of the antispy SDK project and provides a template class, as_xor , which performs XOR operations on values of type T . The class supports both compile-time and runtime XOR operations, making it versatile for different use cases where XOR logic is required. The result of the XOR operation is stored securely within the class, with the class structure layout randomized to protect against memory inspection, reverse engineering, or tampering. This structural randomization is crucial for maintaining the security of sensitive data.

XOR (exclusive OR) is a fundamental operation used in various cryptographic algorithms, data obfuscation techniques, and checksum calculations. By encapsulating XOR logic within a secure class template, this file serves as a key component in building secure applications where data integrity and confidentiality are paramount.

The file is intended for use in environments where security is a primary concern, such as in cryptographic modules, secure communications, and anti-tamper mechanisms. The randomization of the structure layout ensures that even if the memory layout is inspected, the critical data remains protected.