
Standard header file for the antispy SDK library. More...



Detailed Description

This file serves as the central, standard header for the antispy SDK library, which is a security-focused library designed to protect software applications from various forms of tampering, reverse engineering, and unauthorized debugging. The header encapsulates key definitions, macros, and compiler directives that are essential for configuring the library across different platforms and development environments.

By including this file in every source file that uses the antispy SDK library, developers ensure that consistent settings and configurations are applied, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security features provided by the library.



antispy SDK version number.

Detailed Description

The ANTISPY_VERSION macro is a CMake-generated define that represents the current version of the antispy SDK library. This version number is vital for tracking the specific release of the library being used in a project. It ensures compatibility across different builds and aids in identifying the exact version of the library in use, which is critical for support and debugging purposes.


antispy SDK build timestamp.

Detailed Description

The ANTISPY_BUILD_TIMESTAMP macro is a CMake-generated define that provides the exact timestamp when the antispy SDK library was built. This timestamp is important for verifying the currency of the build, ensuring that the most up-to-date version of the library is being used in production or testing environments. It also aids in traceability during post-deployment diagnostics.


antispy SDK customer name.

Detailed Description

The ANTISPY_CUSTOMER_NAME macro is a CMake-generated define that specifies the name of the customer or organization that has licensed the antispy SDK library. This macro is essential for maintaining accurate licensing information within the library, ensuring that the library is used in accordance with the terms of the license agreement.


antispy SDK customer number.

Detailed Description

The ANTISPY_CUSTOMER_NO macro represents a unique customer number or identifier associated with the licensee of the antispy SDK library. This number is typically used for internal record-keeping, support ticketing, and licensing management, allowing for efficient customer support and service.


antispy SDK version information string.

Detailed Description

The ANTISPY_VERSION_INFO macro defines a formatted string that includes the version number, build timestamp, and customer name. This string can be used for logging, display in user interfaces, or embedding in diagnostic reports. It provides a quick and easy reference to the version and licensing information of the library, which is crucial during troubleshooting or when reporting issues.