
Defines the wrapped_chunk class template for managing memory blocks with customizable padding in the antispy SDK project. More...

Detailed Description

This file is part of the antispy SDK project and provides a flexible memory management utility in the form of the wrapped_chunk class template. This class allows for the creation of memory chunks that include customizable padding at both the start and end of a central content area. The padding is useful for obfuscation, security, and memory alignment purposes.

The wrapped_chunk class is designed to be versatile, offering multiple constructors to initialize the memory chunk with either arrays or initializer lists. Additionally, it includes methods for accessing the content and initializing the memory block. The implementation also includes a private constructor used to ensure the proper initialization of the memory layout.

This file is essential for scenarios that require secure or organized memory management, especially in environments where memory tampering or unauthorized access needs to be mitigated. The customizable padding helps in protecting the content by surrounding it with buffer zones, making it harder to exploit.